HH Li, TC Sprague, AH Yoo, WJ Ma, CE Curtis (under review)
Neural mechanisms of resource allocation in working memory
bioRxiv (2024)

HH Li, TC Sprague, AH Yoo, WJ Ma, CE Curtis (2021)
Joint representation of working memory and uncertainty in human cortex
Neuron 109 (22), 3699-3712
Check out press by Quanta Magazine

HH Li, NM Hanning, M Carrasco (2021)
To look or not to look: dissociating presaccadic and covert spatial attention
Trends in neurosciences 44 (8), 669-686

HH Li, WJ Ma (2020)
Confidence reports in decision-making with multiple alternatives violate the Bayesian confidence hypothesis
Nature communications 11 (1), 2004
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Check out Spotlight in Trends in Cognitive Science by Doby Rahnev

A Chang, JS Ide, HH Li, CC Chen, CSR Li (2017)
Proactive control: Neural oscillatory correlates of conflict anticipation and response slowing
Eneuro 4 (3)

HH Li, M Carrasco, DJ Heeger (2015)
Deconstructing interocular suppression: Attention and divisive normalization
PLoS Computational Biology 11 (10), e1004510

A Chang, CC Chen, HH Li, CSR Li (2014)
Event-related potentials for post-error and post-conflict slowing
PLoS one 9 (6), e99909

HH Li, WM Shim, P Cavanagh (2014)
Backward position shift in apparent motion
Journal of Vision 14 (1), 16-16

HH Li, CC Chen (2011)
Surround modulation of global form perception
Journal of Vision 11 (1), 17-17