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Hsin-Hung Li
Hsin-Hung Li will become an assistant professor of Psychology in Ohio State University starting from January 2024. He received B.S. and M.S. degree from National Taiwan University (working with Chien-Chung Chen). In 2013, he joined New York University as a PhD student co-advised by Marisa Carrasco and David Heeger. During his PhD, he studied early visual system, with focus on attentional modulations and the interactions between vision and eye movements. He stayed in NYU for postdoctoral training. With Wei Ji Ma, he investigated confidence/uncertainty in decision-making. With Clayton Curtis, he used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to study the neural processes underlying visual working memory and decision uncertainty. His research methods range from human behavioral experiment, eye tracking, computational modeling on behaviors, models of population neural response to neuroimaging (fMRI and EEG).
黎信宏將於2024年1月開始於俄亥俄州立大學擔任心理學助理教授。他於國立台灣大學取得學士和碩士學位(師從陳建中教授)。2013年,他成為紐約大學的博士班學生,由Marisa Carrasco和David Heeger共同指導。在博士班期間,他研究早期視覺系統,著眼於注意力調節以及視覺與眼動之間的相互作用。他留在紐約大學進行博士後研究。他與Wei Ji Ma合作,研究決策中的信心/不確定性。他與Clayton Curtis合作,使用功能性磁振造影(fMRI)研究工作記憶與決策的神經機制。他的研究工具涵蓋了行為實驗、眼動追蹤、行為計算模型、神經模型以及腦造影(fMRI和腦電圖EEG)。